Friday, October 05, 2007

Online Dating Sites

Find the love of your life

Dating Sites.

We've just launched our third online dating site. It's for Gay Men and it appears to be going down extremely well (like a number of our new members are doing too).

The latest is Gay Flirt, adding to UdateME and the hot adult dating site Xflirt.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Well we all like to have friends, and I certainly feel thrilled whenever I get an email from old friends

But just lately I've had so many old friends get in touch, sending me emails about new Job Opportunities, where I can get cheap Cialis and telling me I've won a huge Lottery prize.

Trouble is, I'm getting quite forgetful and can't remember them all. The latest was someone who thinks he knows me, he's from Nigeria and he's a Doctor, and aparently a millionaire, but can't quite get his hands on the money yet. The most worrying ones are from old girlfriends who are reminding me how small my 'little man' is and are offering to make it bigger for me.

Friends - who needs 'em.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Iron Fairy

I wonder if you've ever seen the Iron Fairy? I had a dream last night about the Iron Fairy.
I'd just got home from a hectic day at work, not looking forward to the huge pile of ironing left over from our dirty weekend away (dirty in the grubby sense, rather than the bedtime-frollicking sense).
You can imagine what relief I felt when I found it had all been done, ironed, folded and ready to put away. I looked around me, but by now the Iron Fairy was nowhere to be seen. Alas, I woke up to find the clothes were all still there, waiting. So, I must be the Iron Fairy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to Make a PORK PIE

340g (12oz) Hot-Water Crust Pastry
340g (12oz) Lean Pork
225g (8oz) Unsmoked Bacon, thinly sliced
1 tsp Sage
½ tsp Allspice
¼ Salt
Pepper, to taste
1 Egg
280ml (½ pint) Jellied Stock or Aspic

Pre-heat oven to 180°C: 350°F: Gas 4.
Lightly grease the outer sides and bottom of a 900g (2lb) jam jar and a baking sheet.
Reserve a quarter of the pastry for the lid (keep warm).
Press the remaining pastry into a circle, place over the up-turned jar, press evenly allowing it to reach the shoulder of the jar, it should be an even thickness of 1cm (½ inch).
Set aside to cool.
Cut a double thickness of greaseproof paper the same depth as that of the pastry case and long enough to wrap around.
Wrap the paper around the case and secure with string.
Place the up-turned jar on to the baking sheet and gently remove the pastry case.
Chop the pork into 2cm (¾ inch) cubes, cut the bacon into pieces.
Mix together the pork, bacon, sage, allspice and season well.
Carefully fill the pastry case with the meat mixture.
Trim off excess pastry that is above the level that the meat reaches.
Press the remaining pastry into a round to form a lid for the pie.
Place on the lid, dampen the edges and crimp to seal.
Use any excess to decorate.
Brush with beaten egg, to provide a glaze.
Cut a hole in the centre, to allow steam to escape.
Bake for 2½ hours, removing the paper collar halfway through the cooking time.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
Heat the jellied stock (or aspic) just enough to melt, pour into the pie through the steam vent using a funnel.
The jellied stock should be made from pigs trotters with all fats removed.
Chill for 4-6 hours before serving.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New "Mobile Phone while Driving" rules

From February 27th 2007, the UK Government is planning to increase the fine for motorists caught using their mobile phone while driving. The current fine of £30 will become a £60 fine plus three points on your license. The offence of "using a hand-held phone while driving" in addition to the £60 and 3 points penalty could rise to £1,000 if the matter goes to court Rising to up to £2,500 for drivers of vans, buses, coaches and lorries. So DON'T DO IT.

Driving and Talking - most women can't do it at all.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Poor Little Kylie

Kylie Minogue has cancelled two UK concerts after pulling out halfway through her latest performance Sydney.
Kylie's comeback tour after her treatment for breast cancer, has been stalled after doctors advised her not to perform due to a "moderately severe" respiratory tract infection. The concerts were due to take place on 15th and 16th Jan in Manchester. Let's hope that Kylie will be well enough to continue her Showgirl Homecoming tour on Thursday and Friday.
Fans with tickets for the two cancelled gigs are advised to hang on to them until a decision is made about whether they will happen at a later date.
Kylie Minogue