There are lots of Free Email services, and some are better than others. But which one should you choose? and why would you need a free email account?
Well, before any further ado, you should know about Code Hot UK's own free email offering - it's the one we'd recommend, obviously. Before we set it up, we thought about what people would need and designed it accordingly. We went for the package by - which is a great, fully supported plug-in email system. If you'd like to offer your website visitors a free email service (A good idea when you have a catchy domain name) the product is really good.
What is Free Email?
The best known and widely used one is hotmail. It's good, but not the best (it's microsoft, so it's widespread like flu). Free Email sits on a server somewhere, rather than on your own PC.
Whats good about Free Email accounts?
With a "remote" email account you can access your emails - send and recieve - from any computer, anywhere in the world, unlike the static email like Outlook on your PC at home or work. It's good because you can have a number of accounts (email addresses) and can change it (delete and restart with another name) if you become a victim of spam.
What's not so good?
You could be limited to a capped level for storage of emails - so you cannot have huge files or address lists, and so on. Having said that, you can upgrade to a paid account if you get on with your service (That's partly why they are free - in the hope that you upgrade and pay some). Sometimes an email address might be rejected, and not accepted to subscribe to some Internet services (They prefer an email address they know and trust).
Unfortunately, some evil spammers sign up to a lot of free accounts. They spoil it for the rest of us, again.Some free services can bombard you with adverts - which is the main gripe with MSN and Hotmail. The other detracting factor is the size limit for attachments. Having said that, they get better all the time. Needless to say, Code Hot UK email does not suffer from any of the above problems.
As they say, when it's free, it's great value for money.
So here are our top 10 Free Email Accounts (for UK users) :-
#1 - Code Hot UK
#2 - Tiscali
#3 - Yahoo!
#4 - Lycos
#5 - Postmaster Bronze
#6 - Hotmail
#7 - Orange
#8 - Hushmail
#9 - Bluebottle
#10 -
There you are - if you know of any other good email services - please let us know.